SSC GD Constable Admit Card 2015 is the hall ticket / call letter issued forapplicants. Admit card of SSC GD Constable Recruitment 2015 is released by the Staff Selection Commission through the organizing CAPF (CRPF) website. Candidates can get here the SSC Admit Cards for GD Constable 2015 Recruitment for 62390 vacancies in BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB, ITBP, AR, NIA, SSF.
Staff Selection Commission is the department which is responsible to fill vacancies for various government posts. As per the vacancies available in various government department SSC announce recruitment advertisement with required eligibility. Interested candidates need to fulfill all eligibility to apply for the post and in any case if they are not eligible then they should not apply. Here is superb news for the candidates who had applied for the GD Constable exam. SSC is going to announce for the SSC GD Constable Admit Card 2015 for the Physical Standard Test/ Physical Efficiency Test. The candidates are requested to check out all details regarding to their admit card as test will be conducted in the month of April 2015.
✫ SSC GD Constable Admit Card 2015.
☑ Name of the exam : SSC GD Constable 2015☑ Board / Organization : Staff Selection Commission
☑ Admit card/ Hall Ticket Status : available
☑ Type of Exam : Physical Standard Test/ Physical Efficiency Test.
☑ Official Website : http://www.crpfindia.com/
☑ Admit Card/Hall ticket Link : http://www.crpfindia.com
Click Here to go to download page of SSC GD Constable Admit Card 2015.
Its advised to download the SSC GD Constable Recruitment Admit Cards as early as possible to avoid any issue at later stages.
First step in the SSC GD Constable Recruitment 2015 is the PST / PET, that will be conducted and scheduled by CRPF.
✫ Download SSC GD Constable Admit Card 2015
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State/UT | Region/Sub Region | Web Portal | |
Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttarakhand | North Region | www.sscnr.net.in | rdsscnr@gmail.com |
Maharashtra, Gujrat,Goa | Western Region | www.sscwr.net | rd@sscwr.org |
Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh | MP Sub-Region | www.sscmpr.org | dd@sscmpr.org |
West Bengal, Orrisa, Jharkhand, A&N Island, Sikkim | Eastern Region | www.sscer.org | contact@sscer.org |
Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland, Mizoram | North Eastern Region | www.sscner.org.in | sscner@gmail.com |
Andhra Pradesh, Punduchery, Tamilnadu | Southern Region | www.sscsr.gov.in | sscsr.tn@nic.in |
Karnataka, Kerla | KKR region | www.ssckkr.kar.nic.in | rdssckkr@nic.in |
Hariyana, Punjab, J&K, Himachal Pradesh | North Western Sub-Region | www.sscnwr.org | dyrd@sscnwr.org Sunilranjan73@gmail.com |
Uttar Pradesh & Bihar | Central Region | www.ssc-cr.org | rdcrssc@gmail.com |
SSC Constable (GD) Selection Procedure
Selection Procedure for Constable Post, conclude in Three Stages
Stage 1 (PET/ PST):- 1st Stage for SSC Constable (GD) is PET/ PST i.e. Physical Efficiency Test and Physical Standard Test. Candidates who declared qualify in the Physical test, they will be appear for Written exam. Physical Standards Test (PST)/Physical Endurance Test (PET) will be scheduled and conducted by the CAPFs, so CRPF will conduct Physical Test for Constable (GD).
Stage 2 (Written Exam):- Next Stage After PET/ PST is Written Exam. From This Year Onwards Candidates can give Exam Online as well as offline. So Candidates will appear for Written Exam based on the Mode chosen by them & Performance in Physical Exam. The Commission will conduct written examination of candidates qualified in PST/PET in BOTH ON-LINE (Computer based) AND OFF-LINE (Paper mode) MODE. Written Exam will held on 04 October, 2015. Written Exam will be of 100 Marks & conduct by SSC. To Get More Detail about Written exam click on the given below link……..
Stage 1 (PET/ PST):- 1st Stage for SSC Constable (GD) is PET/ PST i.e. Physical Efficiency Test and Physical Standard Test. Candidates who declared qualify in the Physical test, they will be appear for Written exam. Physical Standards Test (PST)/Physical Endurance Test (PET) will be scheduled and conducted by the CAPFs, so CRPF will conduct Physical Test for Constable (GD).
Stage 2 (Written Exam):- Next Stage After PET/ PST is Written Exam. From This Year Onwards Candidates can give Exam Online as well as offline. So Candidates will appear for Written Exam based on the Mode chosen by them & Performance in Physical Exam. The Commission will conduct written examination of candidates qualified in PST/PET in BOTH ON-LINE (Computer based) AND OFF-LINE (Paper mode) MODE. Written Exam will held on 04 October, 2015. Written Exam will be of 100 Marks & conduct by SSC. To Get More Detail about Written exam click on the given below link……..
Stage 3 (Medical Examination):- Candidates who Declared qualify by SSC in Written exam will have to appear for Medical Examination. The Commission will process and declare the result of written examination and list of candidates shortlisted for Detailed Medical Examination (DME) will be given to MHA/Co-ordinating CAPF i.e. CRPF. MHA/CRPF will issue call letters and conduct DME and Review Medical Examination (RME). SSC Constable (GD) Admit Card 2015
SSC Constable (GD) Physical Test Call Letter:- All candidates applying for the recruitment and prima-facie eligible will be called to appear in Physical Standards Test and Physical Efficiency Test at places finalized by the Commission in consultation with the CAPFs. More Information about PST/ PET is provided below
SSC Constable PET/ PST Schedule:-
PET/ PST will be scheduled in May/ June (Tentatively).Detailed Programme of PST/PET and Medical Examination will be available on the website of the co-ordinating CAPF, i.e., CRPF along with Roll Number block of candidates for each day, at least two weeks before PST/PET.
SSC Constable GD Admit Card 2015
PET Call Letters:- Call letters to candidates for PST/ PET will be issued by CRPF. For ONLINE applicants Call letters may be downloaded from CRPF website www.crpf.nic.in from 15-4-2015 to 15-5-2015. Admit cards of only OFFLINE applicants will be sent through post, however they may also download the same from above mentioned website.
Please Note That Detailed scrutiny of their eligibility will not be undertaken before PET/ PST. Therefore, it will be the responsibility of the candidate to verify their eligibility as prescribed in this notice before appearing for PST/ PET.
Physical Standard Test:-
It is test of candidates physical norms such as Height, Chest & Weight. Candidate have to attain these physical norms otherwise their candidature is cancelled. Norms of Height, Chest & Weight are given below:-
a) Height :For Males : 170 cms.
For Females : 157 cms.
b) Chest :For males only – Unexpanded : 80 cms.
– Expanded : Min expansion 5 cms.
– Expanded : Min expansion 5 cms.
c) Weight : For males and Females : Proportionate to height and age as per medical standards.
Physical Endurance Test:-
For Male | For Female Candidates | |
Race | 5 Kms in 24 Minutes | 1.6 Kms in 8½ Minutes |
For Ladakh Region :
For Male | For Female Candidates | |
Race | 1 Mile in 6½ Minutes | 800 Meters in 4 Minutes |
✔Notes: Applicants those who are going to appeared n the examination hall they can remembers that mobile’s Phone not allow in the examination hall, So applicants don’t bring the mobile phone and Calculator or No electronic devices should be allow in the Examination Hall.
✫ For any queries candidates may contact
☏ : HELPLINE No : 011-24368630WEBSITE :
Candidates may contact following Regional Help Lines for clarifications, if any, in respect
of filling/submitting applications and written examination:-
(i) SSC(NR), New Delhi - 01164715222, 01165570666
(ii) SSC(CR), Allahabad - 05322460511, 05326541021
(iii) SSC(SR), Chennai - 09445195946, 04428251139
(iv) SSC(WR), Mumbai - 09869730700, 07738422705
(v) SSC(ER), Kolkata - 09477461228, 09477461229
(vi) SSC(MPR) Raipur - 09407921504, 09407921505
(vii)SSC(KKR), Bangalore - 08025502520, 09483862020
(viii)SSC(NWR), Chandigarh - 01722749378, 01722742144
(ix)SSC(NER), Guwahati, - 09085073593, 09085015252
(x) CRPF: - 011-24364884, Extn. 436 and 317
Thanks For Visit ..
Best Of Luck for your Exam.....
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